Year: 2019 | Month: December | Volume 7 | Issue 2

A Method to Convert Regular Expression into Non- Deterministic Finite Automata



Non-deterministic finite automata are a part of finite automata which can accept only valid strings to process. It is needed to accept valid strings. Regular expression is used for pattern matching for strings. Regular expression cannot give the number of states for a particular automaton. That’s why, we need NFA through which we can state total number of states in any automata. There are several methods to convert non-deterministic finite automata into regular expression but there are few to convert regular expression to non-deterministic finite automata. In this paper, we proposed a method through which one can convert regular expression to non-deterministic finite automata by decomposing the input string with the help of JFLAP tool.

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International Journal of Applied Science & Engineering(IJASE)| Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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